Study Guide for the Iº



Iº – Lustration – Man and Brother, or Woman and Sister

Element: Water. Chakra: Vishuddha.

“The Child experiences Birth.” Magick Without Tears

“It chooses to enter into relations with the solar system. It incarnates. I explain the significance of birth and the conditions established by the process.” The Confessions of Aleister Crowley

Recommended for Study:

— I° of Freemasonry – Entered Apprentice

— Liber AL

— Liber Tzaddi vel Hamus Hermeticus, sub figura XC

— Book 4, Part I, Chapters 1-4

— Book 4, Part II, Chapter 12 (The Robe)

— MTP, Chapters 13 (Banishings and Purifications) and 167, Part I (The Oath)

— MWT, Chapters 14, 45, 46

— Liber E, especially sections III, IV, VI

— Liber O, section IV: The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

— Dogme et Rituel de Haute Magie, Part 2, Chapter I

— Eight Lectures on Yoga, by Aleister Crowley

— 777: Columns I, II, III, VII, XII

Recommended Practices:

— Study and practice of Yama

— Asana: stilling the body

— Pranayama: breath (spirit) control

— Lesser rituals of the Pentagram and Hexagram

— Lunar Adorations (The Mantra Gayatri (Book 4, Part I, Chapter 2)

— Meditate on the Tarot Trumps The Star, The Priestess and The Empress

— Relaxation exercises & techniques of purification

— Visualization practices in general

It is advisable to continue practicing the Sun adoration (Liber Resh vel Helios).

Supplementary Reading:

— Liber CCXLII, AHA! by Aleister Crowley

— Raja Yoga, by Vivekananda

— “Psychology of Hashish”, by ‘Oliver Haddo’ (Aleister Crowley)

— A general study of hypnotism and mesmerism

— “Before the Beginning of Years” from Atalanta in Calydon, by A.C. Swinburne


Lunar Adorations

The gayatri mantra is given in Book 4 Part II thus:

Aum tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yo nah pracodayat

Crowley gives the translation: “O! let us strictly meditate on the adorable light of that divine Savitri. May she enlighten our minds!” The mantra was suggested by Crowley as a lunar adoration.


Q: Where were you first prepared for your initiation?
A: In heart verily.
Q: Where next?
A: In a convenient place, hard by a spring.
Q: How long did you remain there?
A: For nine moons.
Q: Where were you initiated?
A: In an Oasis.
Q: At what hour?
A: Dawn.